Our company inculcates the natural and holistic principles of the art of Ayurveda that is a 5000 year old branch of Ancient Indian Medicine. Ayurveda works at multiple levels, including prevention, treatment and putting an end to the recurrence of the same ailment. Our founder, Dr. Joshi has had an extensive experience of 25 years in the field of Ayurveda. Living in the dense Himalayas for more than two decades he has experimented, researched, developed and perfected the intricate and potent art of Ayurveda. Living in the Himalayas he had access to rare herbs and spices and his commitment towards producing and administering alternative healthy remedies against products with chemicals, preservatives and unforeseen side effects have culminated into the inception of our Company, Samsara.Samsara in the ancient Sanskrit language means the cycle of Life & Death. Our company embodies the essence of its meaning and produces products that enriches our lives by providing a holistic treatment.